Monday, November 26, 2012

RSS Feeds - What Does It Stand For?

This article could have been titled "What's So Great about RSS"? Depending on where you start your search, RSS is considered an acronym for "Rich Site Summary", or "Really Simple Syndication". The most widely used terminology is the latter of the two. In my opinion you could also add "Really Super Stuff" to the list. There is a lot of information about RSS on the Internet for it obviously is now a major component of how information is indexed, cross-referenced, and then presented in search engine results. It is so much a part of surfing the net, that it seems that these buttons almost go unnoticed at times, even though they are everywhere.

RSS is a really great tool for anyone wanting to publish content online and then having it syndicated for distribution across the web using data feeds. It is a way to be alerted to content updates for website and blog subscriptions, and also is a retrieval tool on the surfing side. These feeds can be from a website or blog of any size. The best way to think of it is just as another way to package and provide content. This is sort of like the difference between an e-book, a video, and a podcast. They are all possible ways to provide and distribute the same content. In regard to RSS, it is always internet-based technology, and a simple and concise way to slice and dice information. RSS feeds can be mixed or combined content from multiple sources. You also will find some incredible tools online for creating special feeds, and feeds that you can customize to suit your personal style or business needs. One such tool of note is Yahoo Pipes at

RSS feeds will be recognized by most people as a way to gather news. To read an RSS feed you will need to have a feed reader, or a feed aggregator. This is software that allows you to collect and display feeds. When you click an RSS subscription button or link, it will instruct you to choose the type of feed reader you want to use. RSS feed readers come in many different forms. Some that you will recognize are web-based like Google Reader, Bloglines, and My Yahoo. You can usually subscribe to feeds via email, too. When you subscribe to feeds, the feed reader will display syndicated content as it is updated by the individual web publishers.

In a little more detail, RSS can be considered the default format for displaying frequently updated content as it changes. These RSS documents are called 'feeds", "web feeds", or "channels". You also will see this as "RSS feed" and "RSS Channel". These automated feeds can be summarized text (partial feeds), or full text (full feeds) and the document information includes other meta description details like the author, time, date, and other publication details. This type of information may be edited or deleted. The current default markup language is a standardized XML file format that is published once, and then feeds can be viewed using different programs that are web-based, desktop-based, or wireless-based via a mobile device like a PDA, smartphone, or tablet computer. You will need a connection to the Internet to read RSS feeds.

The beginning of this technology has been around since the end of the 20th century, but did not become widespread until 2005-2006 with the adoption of certain standards. RSS feeds make content distribution and content gathering effortless and efficient. To research this article, I went back to read up on RSS, and most of the information here can be found in greater detail at, or by doing a search on Wikipedia.

It looks like RSS is here to stay, so learn how to use and take advantage of this great and mostly free online tool.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   How to Get Updates Via RSS   

RSS News Subscription

Although RSS news are usually available in many websites, there are also publishing tools that deliver updates through an aggregator. Therefore if you want to subscribe to a news feed, consider first what are the options you can use to get the fresh content.

There are industry-specific feeds covering the news occurring only in a segment of the global market. In example, RSS feeds on the tourism industry that broadcast what is new about travels, lodging, tourist attractions, etc. These feeds target both the professionals in a specific area, and the current and prospective clients seeking for the latest news and trends.

There are also two main types of feeds, Atom and RSS feeds. Difference is the formatting of each one, being RSS the easiest to read and republish news, articles and blog entries. Broadcasting occurs in real time, hence search engines are continuously crawling the content of websites delivering feeds, and those that republish them.

From a marketing approach, this activity contributes to get listed faster and, if the marketing strategy is good, the website that republish news from any given source may rank higher, driving traffic faster than any tactic implemented for this purpose.

However, many RSS news services provide only schedule feeds, which are updates that only are published on a specific time interval, while others provides news monitoring, which is a service that is already republishing feeds from another sources, but after filtering using keywords to match certain criteria.

If you are going to republish RSS feeds, keep this information in mind so you do not waste your time with updates from clubs, schools or organizations that only announce events very rarely, or round that information with other rich resources otherwise.

On the other hand, if you retrieve feeds from news monitoring services, you may be losing important information from the source website, but omitted after the filtering. Learn to determine the difference between websites that generate their own RSS feeds and those that republish the content already generated elsewhere.

An RSS tool can help you to identify the news source from websites that produce information on a regular basis, particularly media websites such as CNN, Reuters, BBC, ABC News, and similar companies, which are often used to enrich personal blogs, or sketch a marketing plan where quality content is essential.

In today's world, developing a website streamline is necessary to avoid being ignored by the surfer. Therefore, it is time to consider the benefits that subscribe to RSS news may bring to yours.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

RSS Feeds for Online Stores

To have a successful store online, no matter what you sell, you must have traffic. Not only do you need traffic, but also you need visitors that are more apt to purchase the items you have for sell. This means that if you are selling pet products, you need visitors that own pets. Anyone can put up an online store; however, not everyone can make it a success.

Once you have your store online, you more than likely have promoted the store and getting a few visitors. However, you are still not seeing sales. Next, you start a newsletter and still do not see much activity. One of the best ideas to get more sales is to start a blog and an RSS feed. Now, with the blog you can write posts regarding sales, new products, or even reviews of your products. The good news is that when you publish a post your RSS feed will send this post out to readers that are interested in your products.

Of course, you must now promote your RSS feed and blog. You can start with your newsletter subscribers, submit your blog just like you did your website and submit your feed to RSS directories. If you frequent others blogs, forums, or other website that allow you to post, you can post a link to your new blog or your RSS feed. Use your social networking pages to promote your RSS feed as well.

Now, that you have your RSS feed up and going, you will start seeing more traffic that are actually interested in your products. This adds up to more sales. How will this occur? Your RSS feed will publish headlines and blurbs of your new post on your blog which will bring more visitors that are interested in your topic. Be sure to title the post so your readers will become interested immediately instead of having to click the link to read more. This will of course, get them to click even faster since they want to learn more.

When you have new products to introduce, a sale, or discounts to present, be sure to use words that will draw attention and the buyers will come. Remember to update often so those that are interested in your products can learn more about your products and keep your store on their minds via the subscription to your RSS feed. An RSS feed can and will put your store in front of those that want the products you have to offer without much effort on your part after you have it set up and promoted.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   How to Get Updates Via RSS   

Solve Your Problem by Increasing RSS Feeds

Most people get confused why there is less response to their website when they are delivering the right product for the right people. There are two phenomena to consider for figuring out a solution to this problem.

First you have to understand the concept of customer acquisition, although it might appear as the most difficult at the point of initiation but you need to understand that it is only the beginning, there are more difficult things to come such as retention of your prospects and customers to turn them into loyal customers, so your website or blog can continue providing you with adequate stream of income and healthy profit, and eventually saving you from the loss.

When you run a website or a blog, you can't expect all your customers to check it on a daily basis unless they are provided with regular updates of their chosen interest. In simple words the best way of reminding your customers that you are providing the product that addresses their problems and is the right solution for them is through the RSS feeds. If you are reading this article you are already familiar with what RSS-real simple syndication is. Hence we are just going to provide you with a brief overview of the problems that can be solved with RSS & the RSS feed.

Don't confuse RSS with a simple subscription to a website. When you subscribe to a certain website conventionally, you receive simple email updates that are usually misinterpreted by your mail server and thus sometimes are thrown into your bulk or spam folder. Subscription to RSS feeds on the other hand, will entitle you to receive the relevant updates in an organized way i.e. in a way where your desired emails are not considered spam.

The word RSS feed refers to a bulleted list of notifications that are of your interest and are generated by the website. If you want to save your time you can just refer to this bulleted list i.e. RSS feed and go through the latest updates of the website. There are different computer programs available that help you receive the RSS feed directly. Such computer programs are known as aggregators or in other words, RSS aggregators.

These are programs that automate the process of checking and bringing the latest updates based on your selection. It wouldn't be wrong to say that the RSS feeds will be filtered and organized according to your interests and priorities.

You need to utilize the RSS feature in the optimum way to make sure that your customers and visitors are being updated constantly with the latest news, and product offers. If they don't know what you are providing, then it's a given that they won't be your loyal customers which in other words means that they are going to shift to your competitors and you don't want that. You want to earn money and to earn money you need to consider these little things because in the end it's all the little things like these that make a big difference.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

What Are RSS Feeds and Why Should I Care?

Chances are that you have seen the three-letter "RSS" acronym while browsing the Internet. But exactly is it? RSS stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication (syndication is the republishing of an article from another source, in this instance usually a website).

RSS is a method of distributing updates about website content. It may include a summary and photos of the site's latest posting. Feeds that provide summaries (hence "Rich Site Summary") allow readers to scan the article to decide if they want to access the original source. RSS feeds normally include the title of the update and link to the originating website.

RSS is beneficial to both readers and publishers. They provide readers with the latest updates, whether it's national or local news, weather, music, games or a favorite blogger. Updates are received as soon as they are published. Readers have a choice as to which websites to subscribe and can change their selections at any time.

RSS also provides readers with a time management tool. Since RSS feeds deliver a summary of the related article, it saves time by allowing readers to decide if they want to follow-up and access the source website. Another benefit is RSS feeds decrease the amount of clutter in a reader's inbox. While email addresses are required to access online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use email to deliver updates. As a result, feeds are spam free.

Unlike email-based subscriptions, unsubscribing to an RSS feed is quick and hassle-free. Terminating an email subscription normally requires subscribers to go the website and answer questions about why they are unsubscribing before confirming their decision. With RSS, all the reader has to do is delete the feed from their aggregator.

The disadvantages of RSS are relatively minor and often the result of user or supplier preference. For example, some users simply prefer receiving email instead of RSS feeds. One reason is that graphics and photos don't always accompany feeds (except for some web-based aggregators). Additionally, since the technology is still fairly new, a reader's preferred websites may not support RSS.

A disadvantage to publishers is they cannot determine how many readers are subscribed to their feed, their frequency of visits or reason for unsubscribing.

RSS and Internet Marketing

The concept of RSS originated with Netscape for the purpose of providing users with a way to customize their personal homepage with links to websites that interest them, now similar to bookmarking a website. Use of the application for internet marketing was an unexpected development.

Since users are given the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, consumers who are interested in particular products or services can now receive instant communication from suppliers. The result is targeted marketing at its easiest that benefits consumers and businesses. Readers who subscribe to product or service websites can receive the latest news and updates without the spam that often accompanies email subscriptions. Providers benefit from targeted marketing since subscribers are normally consumers who are interested in their products or services.

So how do you start using RSS? You need two things to begin receiving feeds: the RSS feed itself, and an RSS aggregator or reader. The RSS feed comes from an RSS-supported website (an Internet search will produce a list of RSS feeds from different websites). An RSS aggregator is used to read the feed from the source website. It scans, collects and delivers the latest data.

An aggregator comes in two forms: a downloadable program and an online or web-based aggregator. Downloadable aggregators may require a purchase payment, while internet-based aggregators are normally free. All you need to do is register an account to use the services. Both versions allow you to customize or choose which RSS feeds to enter.

Getting Started

If RSS is new to you, choosing a web-based aggregator may be the best choice due to ease of use. When visiting a preferred website, search the homepage for an RSS or XML button. It contains the RSS code that you will need to enter in your aggregator. This is usually as simple as copying and pasting the code containing the URL of the website into your aggregator.

One you have entered the RSS code, you are ready to start receiving feeds from the originating website. New postings will appear as they are published in real time. RSS is innovative information management, as well as a proven Internet marketing tool. You can expect continued advancement in RSS technology as its popularity increases among readers and suppliers.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

How to Increase Your RSS Feed Subscribers to Grow Your Internet and Online Business

The success of a website can be measured in various ways. You can look into its traffic statistics. You can look into how many comments its content receives. Or you can ask the owner how much money he/she makes per month on the website. These are all good measuring sticks but one of the best ways to determine the success of a website is by looking into how many users are subscribing to its RSS feed. Browse around the web and look into the RSS subscriber stats of the most well-known blogs and websites. The numbers are pretty amazing. Reaching those numbers for your own business website or blog will of course be very difficult but it is not impossible.

Here are a few tips on how you can increase your RSS subscribers:

1) Focus on unique and great content. Always keep in mind that content is king even if some people say otherwise. You may have all the marketing tips and tricks in the world but if your content is lousy, nobody will subscribe to your feed. Why would they? So always keep your attention focused on quality content.

2) Make it a point to post new content regularly. If you can set up a posting schedule then by all means do it. You have to let your readers know that new content will be regularly provided to them. One of the main reasons why people unsubscribe to a certain feed is because they are not getting any fresh content. So don't make them unsubscribe by giving them what they want and need.

3) Make it as easy as possible for people to subscribe to your RSS feed. Make the RSS button stand out. Position it prominently on your website. People online like to click on large and shiny things so take advantage of this trait by making your RSS button bigger and shinier.

4) Offer a full RSS feed. Studies have shown that partial RSS feeds do nothing but irritate subscribers.

5) Give your readers the option to subscribe via email. Not all internet users are comfortable with RSS readers so give them an email subscription as an option.

If you make use of all of the above strategies in building your RSS subscribers, your subscription numbers will surely grow. It's going to be slow at first but once it develops momentum, growth can be rapid. The secret to good growth is consistency with your strategies. So keep using the above tips until you get results.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

The Potential of RSS in Internet Marketing

There are many ways to syndicate your content, but the most popular tactic is taking advantage of RSS technology integrated into your website. This is not a major trouble when it comes to bloggers, because practically all the software for blog publishing integrates a feature to syndicate news, articles and updates as soon as these are posted. Such software "ping" RSS services committed to provide surfers with the latest information published on the Internet in similar fashion search engines work indexing websites on the net.

Pinging on the Internet refers to make a call from the website that originates the news to the breaking news services, so generating RSS feeds put you in control of how your updates will be broadcast, where and when, without needing to wait until a search engine comes on-site to index the content.

Websites other than blogs can also benefit from a RSS marketing campaign, simply converting actual news and recently added content to RSS feeds with the aid of desktop software or online services, which not only make the conversion but provide users with a JavaScript piece of code that can be easily integrated in any website layout regardless the programming language used to develop it.

There are two ways to syndicate RSS feeds; offering a summary of the content you want to publicize, or delivering the full text by this mean. Full text is useful to keep up-to-date people who has little time to surf the web, but is subscribed to your RSS service, So therefore they can use a RSS reader to stay informed about your website anytime.

Even though, full text feeds are a double-edged sword, because they can be used by people who replicate your content somewhere else on the net. While this practice is good for article distribution, allowing authors to gain exposure, it can be a potential problem if your content is copyrighted or simply you do not want to have other websites publishing it.

In such case scenario, providing a summary is a better marketing strategy regardless the angle you may look at it through. From an advertising perspective, a summary feed can attract the interest of your readers, hence driving traffic to your website. On the other hand, summarized content prevents RSS abuse of unscrupulous webmasters that profit from automated blogs retrieving and replicating published content. Start today an Internet marketing campaign based on RSS and you will see how easy is achieve success.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   How to Get Updates Via RSS   

Incorporating RSS Feeds in Your Website Plan

You may be wondering why all the fuss and hub-bub about RSS at this time, and why I bother to write about it at all. Do a search in the EzineArticles data base strictly just for the term "RSS" and you will find that many of the best articles written on the subject were back around the 2005-2006 time-frame. So it's not exactly news.

The reason is that I keep finding new ways to use RSS in my search engine optimization, and in my online projects to build niche type websites and my network of blogs. Most recently RSS has been a large component for two personal projects I call "LinkWheel Sage" and "RSS Mage". The first project is a free guide on how to use RSS feeds to power link wheels, and the second project involves designing a free WordPress plugin that uses RSS feeds to create links and targeted traffic.

Exploring and mapping these projects has also piqued and renewed my interest in this simple technology that is often now taken for granted. This has made me aware of how important it is to be specific about incorporating RSS feeds in your website planning. This should not be an aside or an afterthought, and in the end can be extremely important to your overall online marketing strategy.

There certainly is nothing difficult about creating and using RSS channels, so it should be on your checklist for designing and building effective websites, blogs, and then become part of your ongoing online marketing to promote your website properties and branding. Everyone by now should be aware that RSS is beneficial as a way to quickly publish updated content, but let's also look at some of the other things that make this really simple syndication work so great.

Probably the best feature of RSS is the speed of the technology and the fact that it is essentially "real-time". Updates to content are made available network-wide across the Internet as content is added, edited, or deleted. Subscribing and un-subscribing to an RSS feed is drop-dead simple and most people using the Internet are familiar with using feeds and channels. It does not matter what the content is either. RSS does not discriminate and content can be a combination of text, graphics, photos, and videos. Content and feeds can be mixed at will. This provide for unlimited possibilities when it comes to user experience, since the recipient decides what content they want to choose and filter. If you don't like a particular feed, you can edit the content feed, or just stop receiving the feed.

Most importantly, RSS is a very focused and targeted way to distribute content. It can provide a highly personalized user experience. Readers that take the time to subscribe to RSS feeds have a genuine interest in the content and information. An added bonus is the fact that RSS is not very likely to be abused for spam like so many other aspects of being online. The end-user is always in control.

How to Incorporate RSS Into Your Website Planning

RSS is pretty much a standard feature anymore for website software and blogging platforms. This means that your feeds will be built automatically by the publishing software, and often automatically embedded as a link on pages or the header. So, your main job is to make sure your visitors and readers know what the options are for subscribing via RSS, and secondly to have a plan to distribute your feeds by submitting these to directories as an additional way to promote your content.

Since RSS is so user-friendly, this becomes a matter of keeping your readers informed, and then making ways to subscribe very obvious. You can do this by strategically placing RSS buttons and icons on your website pages. Some obvious places would be the header graphics, navigation side bars, and at the end of the page, or in the footer. Write about your RSS options in the "About Page", and remind readers occasionally in posts.

Always think in terms of how you can take advantage of RSS. Readers will appreciate this, too, because they will be reminded which feeds and content they want to receive on a regular basis. Over time, this will result in your marketing efforts becoming more focused. This only makes sense, because what you really need is a targeted audience, and RSS will help you achieve this goal. Be creative and link up your blogs, websites, and social network sites using feed links. You can even use RSS in this manner when building link wheels.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

What Are RSS Feeds and Their Benefits to Users and Website Owners?

RSS stands for 'really simple syndication' but that may still mean little to you but it's basically for syndicating content online. You may well have seen the RSS feed logo before and had no idea what it was, many websites have them, It's an orange icon with a dot and a couple of quarter circles beside it. If you've ever clicked on one of these you will see a list of what has been created and outputted by that website: blogs, articles, news and even podcasts and video podcasts. You can use this not only to view like this in your web browser though: the URL for the feed can be used by various programs and other services. For a start iTunes can be setup to use your feed to find podcasts you have added to it and make them automatically available on iTunes. RSS feeds can also be read by other RSS readers though: a piece of software that presents the latest from any RSS feeds you have added to it or 'subscribed' too. What this means as a user of RSS feeds is that you can have a one stop piece of software with the news from all of your favorite sites whose articles and other content you find interesting.

So as a website owner how can you use RSS? Well to start you need to be creating plenty of fresh content ideally every day and then you need to make sure it's good enough that people want to read it. If this is the case then if people like your content and you make it clear you have an RSS feed available then they will be able to take the link and put it into their software or you can manually make it available through the reader. This way when you post new articles they will be able to read them through their software. Now at this point many of you will be thinking that is no good as they wont be reading them on your website; the chances are that if they weren't reading them through the RSS reader they wouldn't read them at all though and wouldn't visit your site just to check if you have anything new. By reading your articles they are being reminding you exist and if you mention your products and services they may choose to visit your website when they do need whatever you offer as they already know you know what you are talking about and what you do.

If you use your RSS with podcasts or video podcasts consider it in the same way pretty much, places like iTunes will have people both subscribing to your content and finding it through their search feature of course.

RSS feeds are especially well suited to those who are basically selling knowledge including those selling books including eBooks who can show off their knowledge and understanding, almost like giving away something for free as a sample in order to sell more. Also those that are selling a service where their USP is their knowledge should use RSS feeds to show off they know what they are talking about; as a marketing consultant you might have people reading your marketing insights on a weekly basis who then already know that you are a great marketer when they come to choose a marketing consultant.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

RSS Subscribers: The Number of RSS Subscribers Could Tell Many Things

RSS subscribers are the users or readers who have subscribe the particular web site where consistently view or read the site. The number of subscribers shows the popularity of the site. The higher the numbers of RSS subscribers, show there are many visitors have concerned or consistently view your site.

Thus, if your RSS subscribers' number is high, means there is a chance for the marketing. As you have a base of the loyal visitors or readers where could easily to promote them some new products or services. Thus, you should take the chance in order to promote your site to the business for any advertorial chances. The number of RSS subscribers could attract or grab their attention where in order to expand their business by renting the space in your site for advertorial purpose.

However, in order to attract more business opportunities such as advertising or letting out the web site space, you should provide strong statistics to convince them in order to grab the opportunity. You should provide them a report where the number of your RSS subscribers is remained or constantly increased. It shows that there is a certain number of people would visit your web site every day, and there are the potential target customers to business or corporate.

If the number of RSS subscribers is not high enough, here are some tips to teach you gain more subscribers. Firstly, you should promote your feed prominently or make it visible. It should be visible to all visitors once they entering the page. For example, the icon of subscription should be placed at the top of the page where visitors could see it easily.

Besides, you could run an ad campaign where to promote your web site. It can introduce your feeds to more people or visitors instead of your existing readers or visitors. It can expand your subscribers' base by running an ad campaign. Simplifying your subscription procedures is important where could make it easier for your visitors to subscribe your feeds. If the process is too complicated or taking too long time to complete it, you might lose the potential subscribers in the halfway of procedures.

Develop or create some incredible content. If the content of your web site is valuable and incredible, it definitely will attract more and more visitors to come for your web site. The content is the most important part in order to gain more subscribers. Make sure that your content could provide valuable information to your readers where make them feel that subscribing or visiting your web site is worth of their time. Thus, they will become the loyal subscribers because of your incredible contents.

Lastly, be consistently updating the content for your readers where they hope to get more valuable information from your web site consistently. Try those tips mentioned above, you find it out that it is working.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

RSS Feeds Secrets - Things You Need to Know About RSS

What do you know about RSS Feeds and will it help your site? Basically, there are two ways to know the meaning of RSS. RSS is an innovative invention for the internet, especially for bloggers and news readers. Let's begin to know about RSS, when you have free time, you often go on to some blogs or websites to read new posts or news? If yes, then you're a person who loves to read and keep themselves well updated with what's happening around.

There is an old method to get feeds in which you have to go through every websites and blogs you like and then read all the news. With this old method, you have to spend a lot of time to go through all the new posts if you have many blogs to view. It does not matter if you only have about 1 or 2 blogs to visit, but what will happen if you have more than 20? With the invention of RSS, the whole process had changed. Nowadays, after joining the RSS subscribers for a website or a blog, you will receive new feeds and information about blog posts which the blog owner has just posted. For example say, you and your computer are the buyer and your blogs or news sites are the marketers who will give you a lot of new information about products and services.

You can see the big difference between the old and new ways of getting feeds now. With RSS, you can save a lot of time reading non related posts. With the RSS feeds, you can choose the most interesting posts to read, which will save a lot of time and you should only spend time reading the one you like. With RSS feeds, blogging has become more and more interesting since now many people can keep track of your posts easily and faster as well because the RSS feeds are updated immediately after you press the publish button.

RSS feeds are also the important key to increase your web traffic. If you have a nice blog or website with a lot of useful content, you can ask readers to subscribe to your website to blog via RSS to receive the latest feeds every time you post something new. You should also tell them what RSS feeds are how they work as new updater's service which are totally free. To have a lot of RSS subscribers, even you have to subscribe to others first. It should be a fair game that they subscribe back to you after your subscription. Blogging is an activity between people, not a game with single player. Keep these things in mind for future blogging to help you earn more subscriptions and a nice look from other bloggers.

If you want to succeed in blogging, or want to earn money from blogging, the first thing you have to do is to have as much readers as possible. The more readers, the more comments and more traffic you will have. Placing ads on a blog with many readers is also a good way to earn money from advertising.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   How to Get Updates Via RSS   

What Not to Expect From RSS

The world due to the internet wants everything now and this is what RSS supplies. When a news story is published it goes out on an RSS feed so it can be read immediately. RSS is a format that syndicates information or any type of content across the net. When a person subscribes to a feed, they receive the news as soon as it is published or the feed is updated. No waiting for the evening news. They can even have the feed go directly to their iPhones so they never have to wait on news that is important to them whether it is sports, local news, political, or just the latest gadget on the market.

RSS can be delivered via email; however, it should not replace email. Remember, RSS will only provide a title and a short blurb about the article. This comes in handy for delivering up to date and current news and even sales, however, emails offer more.

Many webmasters instead of asking their readers to sign up to the newsletter are now offering RSS feed subscriptions. Visitors prefer to sign up for subscriptions that only want an email address. With RSS feeds, you only have to push a button and you are subscribed. They never have to fill out forms or answer other questions, which makes it perfect for those that want to get the news without the hassles.

Remember, you can use RSS to communicate with your readers, but this should not be your only form of communication. The good news is that RSS feeds are sent to email addresses that often place newsletters in the spam box. Along with this, you can communicate all your news via the feed without the cost of maintaining a list or other issues that arise from email lists. RSS feeds are automatic and you do not have to do anything. Just write the post and the feed will do the rest and even send out to your subscribers.

You may send out information to your readers via the feed however, you need to keep your blog up to date as well. If you are using software on your desktop to publish RSS, you should ensure your blog offers fresh content. When a reader is interested in your feed, they will click a link to visit your website. If your website does not have any information pertaining to the feed, they will soon unsubscribe from your feed and you will be losing valuable traffic.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

What Is the Purpose of An RSS Feed?

By adding a feed to your website, you will be able to see information from other websites as soon as it is published via your feed. The main purpose is that your website will be providing news from the sources you choose to your readers as soon as it occurs. This means you will always have up to date information on your favorite subject matter. The feed will display the headlines and a brief description. If you are interested in the headline, you can click the link to view the post on the other website.

Your visitors will enjoy this as they will not only be able to read the content on your website, but will be able to find real time information on the subject as well via your RSS feed. This could be technology, animals, weather, or whatever is pertinent to your own content or another subject that would be of interest to your visitors.

Businesses often use RSS feeds to keep their visitors up to date on current information on industry, political, or even local news. Visitors coming to your website will enjoy having these pertinent feeds right on your website, giving them an easier way to find the latest news.

News website often use RSS feeds to bring in more visitors. The feed on their website offers a subscription that provides new information as soon as it is published such as your local TV or news station. You will be able to keep informed with all the news in your area along with weather updates, traffic reports, and so on and so forth when you subscribe to the feed.

If you have a business and wish to provide news to your visitors regarding new products, events, or other information about your business, you can also add this to your feed. On your website, you can add a feed on the side bar with a variety of feeds to keep your visitors coming back including local news and events.

The real purpose of an RSS feed is that you will not have to search all over the place to stay informed on any subject. You can subscribe to a wide array of topics and read them in one location on the net or even on your desktop by downloading a RSS reader. The real time information ensures you stay on top on what is happening in the industries, news, or websites you frequent without visiting all the time.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   How to Get Updates Via RSS   

Use and Abuse of RSS

There are many benefits on implementing RSS technology on a website, but there are also several drawbacks, what we could define as the use and abuse of Really Simple syndication. The use is very obvious, the abuse not always noticeable at first glance, hence the need to be aware before it actually happens.

Among the many uses of RSS we can find blogging, e-commerce, Internet marketing, business syndication, email marketing, search engine optimization, branding, online advertising, content publishing, search engine marketing, and digital public relations.

For all those fields, and many others, RSS feed are a useful tool to broadcast real-time updates on newly added content. Feeds are automatically generated by a publishing system or core scripts with RSS capabilities, but can also be crafted using an RSS feed creation program, which generates the XML code to place on site if needed.

But publishing your web content may lead to abuse. Although the ultimate goal of syndication is getting other websites republishing your content, this is not always beneficial. If you are seeking uniqueness on the web, syndication produce duplicates, but do not panic. Search engines recognize the original source an will credit traffic and page rank to yours.

Nonetheless, many unscrupulous webmasters may take your content to spam other websites at a time, or as a filler for an already spam-flagged website. Because RSS feeds include links back to the original source, you may find your website linked to what search engines call a bad neighborhood.

On the other hand, the correct use of RSS consists of delivering valuable updates on relevant content that you want your visitors and potential clients read, but once again the abuse may be present, voluntary or involuntary, when you abuse of those updates adding irrelevant information in huge amounts and minimum timeframe in between.

Updating your website content is valid, as it is broadcast the news about it, but pinging the updating services and search engines to often and with no sense may lead your site to a ban in such services, or to get you flagged as spammer, although you would not need this tag when falling in abuse; your readers will notice it first and would probably decide to revoke their RSS subscription to your news.

With RSS your projects can reach easily your target audience, so use it wisely to promote your website and gain visibility in search engines. Do not let abuse stops you in your road to success.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   Making Your Own RSS Feeds   

How to Use an RSS Feed to Increase Results in Search Engines

What is RSS?

Stands for Really Simple Syndication Allows you to syndicate your site content Files can be automatically updated Allows personalized views for different sites An easy way to share and view headlines and content A format for delivering regularly changing web content Many news-related sites, blogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it Although RSS formats have evolved from as early as March 1999, it was between 2005 and 2006 when RSS gained widespread use

Why use RSS?

RSS is useful for web sites that are updated frequently, like: Blogs - where content is always being added News sites - Lists news with title, date and descriptions Companies - Lists news and new products Calendars - Lists upcoming events and important days Site changes - Lists changed pages or new pages It allows you to easily stay informed by retrieving the latest content from the sites you are interested in You save time by not needing to visit each site individually You ensure your privacy, by not having to join each site's email newsletter

Drive Traffic to your Blog or Website using RSS

If you're trying to drive traffic to your blog or website, an RSS Feed can create Backlinks, which in turn create Link-Juice for your site, which helps your website rank higher in the search engines, it's that simple. A URL / hyperlink (typically in an article) that points to your blog, website, or capture page, etc., is known as a Backlink.

When Google and other search engines crawl sites, they look for links and where they point to. Think of it this way, if you had 100 articles posted on 100 different websites and each article had a link to your blog or a page on your blog, Google would rank that website higher because there are loads of one-way links pointing to the same place...your website's homepage or an article / piece of content on your website. The more one-way links...the higher your website ranks.

Let's take it to the next level...your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, HubPages, YouTube, and almost every site where you can post content has an RSS feed. You then take each one of your feeds and submit it to an RSS Submission site.

The top five sites that you should submit your feeds to are:

Feedage Feedagg Feedlisting Rss-network Rssmicro

There are many others that you can submit your feeds to... do a Google search for RSS Submission Sites and you'll find loads of them.

RSS Feed URL's for Common Sites

Your Blog / Website

If you want more RSS Feed URL's for common sites, please see the complete article on my blog.

The Benefits of Using RSS Feeds   What Is RSS? Or What Does That Orange Radar Thingy Do?   Choosing an RSS Reader   Tracking News Through RSS Feeds   

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